Friday, June 15, 2012

New blog - Circus Conditioning

Sorry it's been a few drinks between posts.  I've been busy working on a new business and new blog since moving back to Perth from Macau almost 3-months to the day! 

My new blog is Circus Conditioning

The blog is also a lead-in to my new business of the same name; I blog about Health, Wellness, Exercise, Fitness, Inspiration and the Circus, amongst other things. 

A ping of sadness comes over me as I write this; the blog I started just before our journey to Macau back in June 2009.  I may blog on here from time to time when I get the urge to write something different, like this post I did for The Way of Least Resistance martial arts blog. 

A good jump-in point on the new blog for new readers might be the 7 things I learned from working in the circus

Thanks for visiting, especially if you've been back often.  Feel free to comment or PM me about anything now or whenever. 

Trevor Aung Than
June 2012